Quy Luong's profile

Infographic: History of Comic Censorship

This project involved creating an interactive infographic interface centered around the intriguing topic of comic book censorship, with a specific focus on DC and Marvel comics. The infographic was designed to be a standalone web app optimized for desktop viewing, providing an engaging and educational exploration of the history and impact of censorship in the comic industry.
Link to Figma:
Development Process:

Topic Selection and Research:
I delved deep into the history of comic censorship, gathering data from credible sources. My research focused on pivotal moments in comic book history, particularly involving DC and Marvel, to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic.

Interactive Infographic Design:
Using Figma, I designed an interactive infographic that covered 5-8 data points related to comic censorship. At least three elements of the infographic were made interactive, offering users an engaging way to explore the content.
The interactive components were designed as prototypes in Figma, simulating a web app experience without the need for actual coding.

Visual and Artistic Direction:
The design incorporated iconography, illustrations, and typography, all tailored to echo the comic book theme. The style resembled comic tones, using visuals and moving graphics created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance the storytelling aspect of the data.
The layout and design direction were carefully chosen to make the data sets visually appealing and easily understandable, encouraging exploration and learning.

Optimization for Desktop View:
The screen size was set to 1440px wide, optimized for an ideal desktop viewing experience. This consideration was crucial for ensuring that the interactive elements and overall design were displayed effectively on larger screens.

Credits and References:
All data sources were credited within the design, either in a small-sized footer or in a separate credits section. This inclusion maintained transparency and credibility in the presentation of information.
A detailed reference list, following the Harvard citation style, was included in the Process Journal, linking back to the original articles and sources.

Process Journal Documentation:
Throughout the semester, I documented every stage of the project. This included initial research notes, ideation proofs like brainstorming notes and mind maps, visual research, and sketches ranging from low to high fidelity.
Design iterations and explorations were recorded, showcasing the evolution of the project from concept to final execution. The journal also included class exercises and homework assignments related to the project.

Software using: Figma, Adobe Illustrator
Infographic: History of Comic Censorship


Infographic: History of Comic Censorship
